
Talent Pool Search Results

Easily view each Employee in your search results to get a quick view of the important information before clicking into their details.

Quickly view their age, the days they can work, whether they can drive or have access to a vehicle, and if they are willing to work remotely, onsite or on the road.

Talent Pool Filters

Search for Employees using our advanced filtering options and search functionality in the Talent Pool.

Search by many variables, including whether they can drive, their age, their values, skills and hobbies, to find the perfect candidate for your role.

Share Links & Print Results

On YouthXP we streamline your applicant search process with tools designed for collaboration.

Share links to applicants’ profiles, search results, and more with your team members to find the right applicant quicker and easier than before.

Ad Analytics

YouthXP offers you data from view time to ad clicks to help you develop job ads that work.

View detailed analytics on your Ad’s performance to gain an understanding of what to improve for your next ad, or to confirm that your ad is doing well.

Employee Benefits

Showcase that your job offers more than just a wage.

Add Employee benefits to your job ad to stand out from the other listings to give them another reason to apply.

Applicant’s Resumés

View resumés from your applicants, download and save them to your database to create your own reports, extract valuable insights and more.

Need help writing your job ad?

Write your own ad or use our tools to help create a professional ad in just minutes to start getting applicants today!

Multiple Account Users

Create and manage users who have access to the Company account.

Each user has their own login details and has a level of access set by an administrator.

Update an Applicant’s Status

Easily move applicants within a job to different areas such as Shortlist, Interview, Reference Check, Offer, and many more.

Write notes, add attachments, view their resumé again or send them an email, all from one area!

View All Applicants

Filter your applicants in a way that suits you best.

View all your applicants in one place or sort them by the job they applied for.

View All Jobs Ads

View all of your Open, Draft, and Expired ads easily on one page.

View the analytics for each ad, how many days are left of the ad, how many applicants applied for your job, and much more!

Hire Youth - Recruit Youth - Recruiting Young People

Duplicate an Ad

Happy with the results from a previous ad? Duplicate it! You can duplicate any of your Open, Draft or Expired ads.

With the opportunity to edit any content needed and update the ad before publishing, you can iterate on what works and start receiving more applicants than ever before.

Hiring Youth - Recruiting Young People - Hire Apprentices